What is a taproot?
The taproot is the main root of a primary root system, growing vertically down and giving off small lateral roots. It helps provide stability to the plant by anchoring it into the ground and seeking out water to keep the plant fed and nourished. When there is turmoil above ground, like the wind or a storm, it holds even firmer.
Symbolically we all have our own taproot that holds us firmly to the ground that sustains us. Even when we face adversity in our lives and feel leveled to the ground, there is something inside us that grows again. This can only grow stronger when faced with life’s challenges.
What is your taproot? What holds you firmly to the ground and provides you strength?
At Texas Taproot Counseling, our goal is to help you through these life challenges and discover, or rediscover, your own resources that are a source of strength and support.